Folks, this is an eerie universe we are in. I do not profess to have all our answers. That would be hubris to the max. Still, I would indeed like to know what some of the questions are.

I do enjoy old school science fiction movies. They are long on fiction and short on science. Well, that is my own opinion. Please tell me yours.
There has been an increase in air rage. Yeah, we see an increase in cases. Frankly, we do not know what the reason is.
Self driving cars cause serious issues. Well, the future is upon us. Hey, we do wonder what tomorrow can bring to our universe.
Trouble in amazon. Basically, they broke the law once more. Hey, this is like a broken record you guys. Just what is going on?
Here is a great quote for you. “You can always retake a class but you can’t relive a party.” - Ricardo Solis
Well, I really do agree. However, working at your neighborhood wall mart for near minimum wage... that is not very nice. Best of luck to you.
Netflix is moving on up mon. They are going into video games now. This fact should um never surprise us. Basically, it is a logical next step as we see.
Fairy tales often involve enormous castles and beautiful princesses. Yeah, we did say enormous. Well, we really do not understand all the many reasons. However, it does place an uncommon burden on us. After all, we cannot all marry an awesome prince or a princess. Let me add, we cannot all live in a castle or a mansion.
Machine learning is our new wow. Tinyml is the new rage. Basically, it is machine learning that uses very little power. Maybe, that could help us. After all, processing power is expensive.
Elon Musk says we are living in a computer simulation that is like a video game. Please send me the easter egg. Thank you.
Zillow is now using neural networks type of artificial intelligence to predict home prices. Machine learning is all the rage. Expect more companies... like to start using neural networks for day to day common use.
Drought in the west is serious. People, this is not common. Just remember it is a situation that is serious. What we need is more rain. I ask, please pray for more rain.
Aduhelm, a medicine for senile dementia AKA Alzheimers disease could cost our government plenty of money. Trust be told, we are not sure... like if it works even. Hey, it would cost about $65,000 per person per year.
I do love our moon. Folks, this song is awesome. Beethoven strikes once more - wow. Please do open our ears. OK, so here we are.
OK, so we see that sharks are constantly swimming. They do not sleep, but do take an occasional power nap. Maybe, predators do not like to advertise when they are resting for some reason. Still, we do wonder about this one.
Fossil fuel plant is a bit coin miner. Well, that is certainly quite scary. Also, it will expand in a massive manner. Yeah, we can see massive.